February Prayer
Today is a simple prayer written by a dispatcher for dispatchers.
My sacrifice is small compared to some, it seems but each day I sacrifice a part of me
Some days it is returned when I leave on others they take it away from me
Each day I park my emotions at the door and enter a realm few want to explore
Let me take you into my world so you can see what a day in the life of a 911 dispatcher can be
I need five hands to answer phones for typing and the radio’s alone
One to grab coffee while it’s still warm as all tasks, simultaneously, must be preformed
My skin has to be tough to withstand when barbs from growling officers land
Or jabs from complaining citizens often make me re‐assess, where I am
A dispatcher needs five sets of ears for telephones, radios, and alarms to hear
For intercoms and officers who need to know all information my screens can show
Along with the ears you need a brain capable of remembering everything all local and ten codes;
The elements of crimes phonetic alphabets and what to say each time
What questions to ask for every call hundreds of voices, with emergencies one and all
You must make a decision in a minute or less and send appropriate units to meet the test,
While talking on the radio to other emergencies as you try to handle everyone’s needs
You need an abundance of patience to be able to handle all the emotions you see
Your heart must never break when answering some of the calls you take from a mother
who’s child just passed away or a rape victim, who is afraid to stay
There is the suicidal person you don’t want to lose and frighten children you need to soothe
The little old lonely lady who just wants some time to hear a caring voice, at the end of the line
As a dispatcher I am invisible, you see except in emergencies….when you really need me