Eat Your Fruit

Welcome back to dispatch education. We are Lisa and Bethany and today we want to talk about fruit. Fruit is one of the best things that you can snack on.

Studies have looked at the old saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. The AMA did a study and found that while apple a day eaters did not go to the doctor less, they did take fewer prescriptions. The study also found that apples help lower cholesterol and help with many body functions.

So grabbing an apple is a good thing. I also love blueberries. Blueberries help brain function, lowers your risk of Type 2 Diabetes and reduces inflammation. I love to eat them plain, but you can add them to smoothies or salads.

What about watermelon!!! That is one of my favorites and it can help hydrate you while providing great nutrients.

So eat your fruits!! Don’t forget to follow us here and on Facebook. See you next time!! Ok, let’s list as many fruits as we can….go


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