Dealing with Difficult Co-workers

Welcome to Dispatch Education!! We are Lisa and Bethany. Today we are going to talk about difficult personalities at work. I am sure that you NEVER encounter difficult personalities at work. I am sure that everyone is sunshine and rainbows and unicorns. BUT. Just in case you have ever had a difficult personality at your workplace, here are a few ideas to help you deal with them.

First, use all of your dispatcher skills and KEEP CALM. It never helps to lose your temper or flare out in anger. This is your first opportunity to help the situation. Generally, people will respond better if you remain calm and professional. Save the yelling for your car. 😊

Second, try to believe the best about the person and the situation. Take time to remember that they probably believe that they are right and have good intentions. When we can take a moment and remember that we are a team and have to work together, it allows us to gather our thoughts, not rush off in anger, and want to remain friendly to the person.

Treat the person with respect. This will go along way and seems like it would be common sense. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, it is easy to be defensive and not respectful to the other person. Challenge yourself to be the nicest, kindest most respectful you have ever been to the person you are dealing with and see how it changes not only them, but you as well.

Be clear about where you are coming from and your position. Sometimes it is just unclear communication that triggers a difficult personality. You can be clear and forthright while remaining calm and respectful.

Build a rapport with the person. Getting to know someone can break down the barriers and allow for honest and coaching dialogue. Maybe, the difficult personality does not know that is how they come across. By building rapport, you are improving the work relationships that you have.

If needed, ask for perspective from others. This person may be a difficult personality to others in the office as well. Seek them out for advice and guidance. I would caution you to choose wisely. It can be really easy to get into a gripe session about a co-worker. You do not want this, ok, maybe you do, but it is not helpful. Look for people who will resist office gossip and focus on solutions.

As a final solution, you can always ask for a manager or supervisor to intervene. I would not recommend this unless you have tried everything else with no results. It is the “lowering of the boom” if you will. It is always drastic to get a higher up involved. Additionally, if you use this option to often, management may begin to see you as the problem.

We hope you never have to deal with a difficult co-worker, but if you do, those are our tips. Have a great and safe day!! See you next time.


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